It’s all natural

Best friends in the flat Becca (middle) & Salma (right): Photo by Ellen Walapu

When being away from home and loved ones, it’s natural to feel homesick. I went from living in a small place in Wales my whole life, being surrounded by the same people in a life I was so comfortable in to moving into halls with 6 other people who 5 months ago I didn’t even know, and now they’re some of my best friends.

I never thought I would get homesick but even so, we all have our down days. University is a place where you’re surrounded by people most of the time and yet its so easy to feel alone and miss the simple comforts of being at home. Right now, all I want to do is lie in a nice warm bath and eat one of my mum’s roast dinners, is that too hard to ask for? This is such a natural feeling which everyone feels at some point and when that happens a trip home is needed, to get some decent food and actually have a good nights sleep. I’ve learnt it’s okay to have down days, and feel the urge to go home every once in a while, everyone else around you is in the same position and we all experience it.

Living 5 hours away from university makes it more difficult/expensive to leave when I want too, but I know that a loved one is a phone call away or some family in London if I need them, and this makes it all the more worth it when I do get to go home for a break and I’m already so excited to get back to the beauty, peace and comfort of home again in 3 weeks.

Home village Saundersfoot in Wales: Photo by Ellen Walapu


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