Time is going too fast

I sit and write this as I think about all my upcoming deadlines and all the work I haven’t done whilst trying to decide what to eat for dinner tonight or when I need to do a wash next. Am I really already in my last year of being a teenager? A life of responsibilities and big decisions is looming upon me and I don’t think I’m ready for it.

Time needs to slow down.

I have nearly already done 2 terms of my first year at uni, though it feels like yesterday it was freshers and that last week I was in Year 11 messing round thinking of the universities to apply for. Now I am actually finally here, living my own independent life, already learning so much to prepare me for the life ahead of me. I miss being young and having no cares in the world when the hardest thing to do was to learn my times tables for the week ahead in school. If only we could go back to the start and do it all over again. Now it feels as if all I think about is assignments and deadlines and trying (but not succeeding very well) to handle my finances. I am pretty sure we all go through these feelings at this point when our teenage years are coming to an end?

I am so excited to see what the rest of life has in store for me but it just feels as if time is going way too fast, everyday certainly should be cherished as we unfortunately can’t get time back. So at the moment I am just taking every day as it comes on the path to the dreaded life of adulthood, if only time would slow down and we could be young forever.

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