Thoughts on my looming 20th

So, I am turning 20 in 2 months and I don’t feel ready for it. When I was younger I always thought people in their 20’s were actual old adults who had their life planned out. Now I’m there I realise that is not the case! I still feel/act like I’m 16 and I definitely don’t have a clue what I’m doing in terms of a life plan or just in general to be honest.

I know on my birthday I’ll probably still feel the same and there will be no dramatic turning point to leaving my teen years behind but I feel emotional about it.. I wish I could be a teenager forever, loved these few years so much, would easily go back and do it all again! Have so many amazing memories with lots of amazing people.. Feels so weird meeting some first years who have basically just turned 18, it makes me feel so old and jealous, I’d love to redo my 18th all over again (what I remember from it anyway)! So strange seeing everyone in my school year group turning 20 aswell, remember most of those people back in year 7 when we were like 12!

Unfortunately there are people who used to be in my life who either aren’t in it anymore or I’m not as close with which is sad because I thought they’d be in my life forever. But not everything works out that way, people drift away or grow up and life changes! To those people (you’d know who you are) I miss you as you played a part in making my teenage years very enjoyable ones.

I’ll probably be going into my 20s just sat in the living room with my mum and dad to be honest haha (with a glass of wine in hand of course) followed by Sands on the weekend obviously. Although I’m dreading it as I never want to grow up, I know I’ll be celebrating this mark surrounded by people I’m truly thankful to have in my life and I’ll be so glad to have them by me going into the next chapter of my life.