First year university tips

These tips may not apply to all because everyone has a different university experience but I know it would have done myself and others well to have known these:

  • Have an awesome time in freshers and go wild, meet as many lovely people as you can – these will be some of the best memories of university life and once it’s over and you’re bombarded with work you will miss it. You’re only really a fresher once so grab every opportunity that comes your way.

    Wine window in my flat
  • You can never go out too many times as a first year and it’s perfectly fine to drink a whole bottle of wine, you’re just having a good time and anyone else who tells you otherwise doesn’t know what they’re missing out on. Just make sure the night before that you’re prepped with all the hangover essentials – Lucozade and Oasis are lifesavers.
  • Some boys (and some girls) are definitely not the be all and end of all in life, don’t waste time crying and stressing over the silly ones, just have fun with your friends and all the other brilliant people around you!
  • It’s okay to live on a diet for a while consisting of pasta and chicken dippers, we can’t all be extravagant cooks and on a budget you got to do what you
    Pasta, pesto, chicken & broccoli = one of my favourite meals.

    can. And I’d say it really doesn’t hurt to have a few takeaways when cooking seems like too much effort.

  • You’ll meet people who you become close friends with quite fast, treasure these people as they’ll be the ones around at the end when you need people the most.
  • Don’t regret any of your experiences and cherish all your memories. Yes, you may make mistakes – wrong friendship, wrong course – but you’ll learn from them (hopefully haha) and come back a better person.
  • To be homesick is completely okay and it’s pretty natural for everyone to feel this way, you’re not on your own! So frequent trips home and covering your room with homely things is something most of us will do.


University is a rollercoaster of emotions but it’s a pretty good one that hopefully you’ll love and never want it to end! I already miss first year and I’m not even done yet, your time will go so fast so just make the most of everything and enjoy it.


One thought on “First year university tips

  1. Hi Very pleased you are digesting your experience positively. These will build strong pillars for your life ahead. May God give strength to meet all the challenges in future. LOVE


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